Podcast: Not Whale Food: Marine Pollution | Whale and Dolphin Conservation
Marine pollution – plastic especially – is everywhere. Charlie Moores talks with Whale and Dolphin Conservation’s chief-executive Chris Butler-Stroud and Policy Officer Pine Eisfeld-Pierantonio about the impact pollution has on whales and dolphins – and ultimately, perhaps, on us.
Header image credit Whale and Dolphin Conservation (from the notwhalefood.com website)
“…We have a responsibility to speak up for them and ensure that we are protecting that shared environment so that they can thrive and actually as they thrive we will thrive – we just need to stand up, stand together, and make some small choices in our lives…”
Whale and Dolphin Conservation | Not Whale Food : Marine Pollution
December 2017
- Originally published on Lush Player, December 2017
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