Podcast: Luke Steele | Ban Bloodsports on Yorkshire’s Moors

Ban Bloodsports on Yorkshire’s Moors say on their website at stoptheshoot.com that their mission is “to end grouse shooting on Yorkshire’s moors, to free the way for these spaces to be managed in a way where their full potential can be reached. Through solid research, pro-active educational initiatives, investigations and legal advocacy. By educating the public and policy-makers about wildlife and the environment, we motivate them to support upland conservation.”

In April 2019 Charlie Moores met with Luke Steele, spokesperson for Ban Bloodsports, to find out just how the group intends to achieve their aims and to ask ‘Just who is Luke Steele anyway’?


“…we are a campaigning organisation…but we’re also about putting the power into people’s hands and inspiring them – giving them the tools they need to say ‘enough is enough, grouse shooting has got to go’…”

Luke Steele | Ban Bloodsports on Yorkshire’s Moors
April 2019