New soap launch to help rescue wildlife and restore habitats in Australia

Wonderful koala-shaped initiative from Lush this week in response to the horrendous bushfires devestating parts of Australia.

To quote the press-release:

Lush will launch a global limited edition All The Wild Things soap (£5) in stores from 24th January (available online now [with the tagline “Neighbours should be there for one another”]). Proceeds from the soap will form the Bush Animal Fund, from which grassroots organisations supporting wildlife welfare and habitat restoration can apply for grants.

“The world is watching in awe at the indescribable job being done by Australia’s impressive emergency services, without whom there would be many more human and animal victims of the devastating bushfires that have ravaged our country since September 2019. We recognise that the road to recovering will be long and difficult. The Bush Animal Fund is a global initiative from which Lush aims to raise much needed funds for grassroots organisations who desperately need community support. ” Peta Granger, Director of Lush Australia and New Zealand

“Across our business there has been a call from customers and staff for some way to help. We can only imagine the horror faced out in the bush by those who are going out searching for animal survivors amongst the estimated billion creatures killed so far in the fires. In recognition of the overwhelming task faced by this informal ‘animal’s emergency service’ we will be immediately launching a limited edition soap, All The Wild Things, with the proceeds going to animal rescue groups providing first aid, rehabilitation and habitat restoration.” Hilary Jones, Lush Ethics Director

All The Wild Things soap is a limited edition koala shaped version of Lush’s best-selling Outback Mate soap, made with eucalyptus oils and lemongrass. The Bush Animal Fund will allow eligible grassroots groups working in animal rescue or land restoration to apply for grants to use during the emergency, and for long-term projects focussed on rehabilitation of animals and regeneration of habitat.

All The Wild Things will begin to appear in Lush stores and online across the world from 24th January 2020, as we rush to get this out in response to the emergency situation.

Lush Ltd, 24 Jan 2020

EDIT: The new soap was always intended to be a limited release of 50,000 and in fact sold out extremely quickly! That’s helping tackle the war on wildlife the Lush way…