Snared Audio Version | Chapters 01 – 08

Recently Charlie reviewed Bob Berzin’s new novel ‘Snared’ and loved it! It’s a really good story, extremely well-told, with many different threads. It deals with shooting estates, raptor persecution, badger baiting, monitors, and domestic abuse, all of which come twisting together in a strong climax.

As we also explained earlier, we’d offered to help produce an audio version. Now, we’re not professional ‘audiobook’ producers but with several hundred edited podcasts to our name we’ve got more than a little experience in cleaning sound up, listening out for (and correcting small stumbles), and outputting the files as an mp3 which anyone can download and play on platforms from phones to tablets and computers.

Now, to be entirely honest, this is all taking longer than we’d hoped. Not because the reader, Nick Wood (that’s him in the photo above), hasn’t done a good job – in fact though this is his first audiobook his narration is so skilled and alive that if ‘Audible’ don’t offer him a job on the spot they’re not listening properly! No, it’s just that we’re doing our best to produce this alongside our regular work on The War on Wildlife Project, so we’re not able to devote as much time on this as we’d like. And we’d like to be able to devote more because we think people should either read or listen to ‘Snared’ – it’s an important book, dealing with issues and subjects we want to help Bob expose.

Now, we know that a good many listeners loved the chapter we put online last week. So Bob, Nick and Charlie figured that maybe putting the first eight chapters online – or just over 90 MINUTES of edited and lovingly curated audio – would help more listeners get the ‘Snared’ experience (and hopefully go on to buy the book of course).

You can either listen to these eight chapters via this website by clicking below, or download the file.

To download (this might look complicated if you’ve not done it before but – honestly – it’s easy):

  • Click the little blue ‘download’ arrow on the right of the dark green audio track in the audio player
  • Depending on your browser this will either save the file or open a new page with just a simple player
  • Click anywhere on the audio track in this player and a dialogue box will open
  • Click ‘Save Audio as…” and another dialogue box will open giving you the opportunity to save the file as an mp3
  • Click ‘save’ and the file will download and be available to listen to on whatever inbuilt player your device has
  • Enjoy!

And just so you know, neither Nick nor The War on Wildlife Project asked for or would accept payment for the work they’re doing. All profits will be going to a domestic abuse charity.


“Then the friendliness was gone. ‘That Peregrine is eating my grouse. Go and get it sorted.’ ”

Snared: Chapters One to 8 | Written by Bob Berzins, read by Nick Wood
May 2020



From Bob Berzin’s website (

‘Snared’ exposes the pressures of rural life and tackles the brutal reality of countryside crime.

Set against the beautiful backdrop of England’s moorland, Snared dramatically lifts the lid on a spectrum of interconnected illegal activities, ranging from raptor persecution to dog fighting and money laundering. This is the story behind the facade of heather-filled moors and skies full of red grouse. 

Driven by the wealthy and privileged, rural families are broken and discarded, as activists unravel their secret world. Layers of restraint are stripped away until a man who holds life and death in his fingers has nothing left to lose. 

As events build to a breathtaking climax, who will survive – and will justice ever be served?

With a plot to appeal to the social media generation, Snared comes at a critical time for the English countryside, with much native wildlife under threat, and the far-reaching effects of the climate emergency keenly felt.

It is available for sale at