Covid-19 restrictions: Johnson is unsure but for hunts it’s ‘business as usual’

As was widely reported in the media yesterday, Boris Johnson seemed unsure just what the law on restrictions to halt the spread of Covid-19 actually says. A law that his own government implemented. We’ve already attempted to analyse the restrictions brought in earlier this month, and how the new laws might impact fox hunting – which is already illegal under the Hunting Act 2004 which bans the hunting of mammals with hounds of course.

York Antihunt League –

While Johnson seems unsure what on earth is going on, fox hunts have had no such doubts. As the evidence on social media proves, their attitude is that laws, like paying taxes if you’re a wealthy businessman, are made for the little people. Covid-19 restrictions? We’ll get around that by saying our wildlife crimes are an organised sport. Breaking the Hunting Act? We’ll say we’re just following a scent trail

Fortunately for our wildlife though there are incredibly dedicated individuals who are spending as much time in the field as the hunts – the hunts sabs and monitors who give their own time, pay their own way, and document this ongoing criminality. Here’s just a small part of the evidence collected from a quick look across social media this morning – and trust us, this is just the tip of a very big iceberg…


Covid-19: we’re all in this together. Not.


Break the law? Us? (Yes, you…)


And just as a final thought, of course the public supports illegal fox hunting. Not.


If you’re reading this and are still unsure what sabs and monitors do please have a good look online. Many of these individuals and groups are also working to protect badgers from the inhumane badger cull and farmed birds from shoots as well as foxes, hares, deer, and otters etc. Without these courageous pro-wildlife activists and campaigners virtually none of the relentless criminality that takes place in the countryside almost every day would be recorded.

A good place to start in a search for more information are the links above, and of course the Hunt Saboteurs Association itself as well as the League Against Cruel Sports.

Most groups are self-funding. If you are in a position to donate towards fuel costs, food, and/or vehicle repairs please use the links above to look for ways to help out.

Finally, we’d like to express our gratitude and admiration to all the individuals and groups working across the UK to protect wildlife. Thankyou.

  • We pulled this post together on something of a whim and didn’t ask permission to use the images in this post. If any of the copyright holders would prefer us not to use their images please let us know and we’ll remove them. Alternatively, if you would like to write a guest post for us, please get in touch.