Sabs are heroes. End of

A couple of days ago we wrote about the incredibly brave Manchester Hunt Saboteur who had come across a gang of badger baiters with two dogs digging a sett that he regularly monitored. He was attacked and severely beaten. The baiters left him for dead. He survived, but his injuries were appalling and he will be scarred for life.

Many of us would want to disappear after an event like that, to hide away and recover. Incredibly this remarkable human being is already back out and installing remote cameras. In an open letter he talks about how he can’t rest while there is so much more to do, about the relentless persecution our precious wildlife faces.

Hunt saboteurs are hugely misunderstood. The truth is that they out in the countryside to tackle and prevent wildlife crime. The truth is that sabs are heroes. End of.


If you would like to contribute to a crowdfunder to support this humble and hugely impressive individual while he recovers please click on the image below or click



If you’d like to support the growing movement towards a better countryside, why not consider joining the Hunt Sabs – or at the very least please let them know when you see hunts out and about breaking the law: