Equipment Fund – next steps
As we wrote last week, we were recently offered a donation to help tackle the war on wildlife (see – How would you use a small grant to help tackle the war on wildlife?). As we explained in that post, we felt that the best way to use this generous donation might be to set up an ‘equipment fund’ to help smaller groups (many of which we know from experience are made up of a handful of highly-committed individuals often having to fund their extraordinary work themselves) buy items to use in the field like video cameras, trail cams, night vision scopes, GPS Units, recording equipment etc.
We pitched that idea to the internet and (we’re pleased – and excited – to say) it’s received really positive feedback. So that’s what we’re going to do. Incidentally, the equipment fund comes from a private donation: the donors are long-term supporters of monitors and sabs groups and have ethics and animal welfare at the heart of everything they do.
The next step, then, is to give you some more details and a few T&Cs, and – if you feel they are right for you or your group – for you to apply.
The monitoring season is underway already, so we are aiming to make everything as easy as possible. Rather than a series of back and forths, asking you to fill out long forms asking for references and describing what equipment you need and why, we would prefer to talk to you over the phone instead. That way we can make sure that you are who you say you are (providing website or social media links would be very useful), find out what you need, and – if eligible for a grant – how we can get the equipment to you as quickly as we can.
The grants come with a small number of conditions which we will ask you to agree to in advance:
- Unless specifically agreed beforehand the maximum grant we will provide will be worth £500.
- Only one grant can be made per individual/group/organisation.
- Equipment we fund must be used in the field to tackle the war on wildlife.
- By accepting any equipment from us you promise that it will be used legally, and if the equipment is used illegally in any way you accept all responsibility for any complaints or actions that might result.
- You also agree that equipment we fund will be used as per manufacturer instructions and that we are not responsible in any way for any misuse.
- You are responsible for any insurance of the equipment and for any repairs that may be necessary (if the equipment is still under warranty we will help pursue any claims on your behalf, but we almost certainly won’t be able to replace damaged equipment).
Please note that we can not offer cash instead. The fund can only be spent providing equipment for use by you in the field. And as we have a limited ‘pot’ to dip into we will prioritise putting funding where it can do the most immediate good for wildlife. Also note that in some instances it may be that we can source used equipment that will do exactly the same job as new: this will help lower costs and help spread the fund as far as possible.
If all that sounds fair and reasonable (and we think it does!) please get in touch.
Email Charlie (Moores) at [email protected]. We really need just a few lines from you. Please include your name, a contact number, the name of your website or social media feed if you have them, and a line or two about what equipment you would like and how you would use it. We will verify your address by emailing you back, and at that stage also ask you when a good time would be to call you.
We’re asking you to make us some promises, so here’s one we’re making to you. We respect confidentiality and privacy and absolutely guarantee that we will never share or pass on any of your details and will only ever contact you to discuss the equipment fund and if we have your written permission to do so.
Sound good? Let’s talk…