Interview | Luke Steele, Wild Moors


“...not only does [the way the land is managed] not deliver for wildlife, or the environment, or local communities, but it also doesn’t even deliver for the grouse shoots themselves.” Luke Steele, August 2021

Charlie Moores talks with Luke Steele about grouse moors, upland rewilding, and the role peatlands can play in carbon storage. Luke is Executive Director of Wild Moors, the recently renamed organisation that has sprung up from Ban Bloodsports on Yorkshire’s Moors, a group founded in 2014 with the stated aim of ending grouse shooting on Yorkshire’s moors “to free the way for these spaces to be managed in a way where their full potential can be reached”.  Wild Moors very much continues that work, but has broadened its scope beyond Yorkshire to help create a new vision of uplands across the UK.

In the lead up to the ‘Inglorious 12th’ – the start of a season where ‘sportsmen’ visit degraded moorlands to use Red Grouse as live targets – Luke and Charlie look at the failing grouse shooting industry, positive movement by Yorkshire Water on the management of its land, and a brighter future for our uplands and its wildlife – but they begin by discussing the rebranding of the group.