Category: blog-posts

OneKind | Fox hunting foot packs & wildlife crime on Scotland’s public land

“The majority of Scots are opposed to fox hunting, and so, as the public body responsible for promoting Scotland’s land, FLS should amend its fox control policy to reflect public opinion, as it had previously planned to do.” A Freedom of Information request (FOI) submitted by Edinburgh-based wildlife charity OneKind has revealed that Forestry Land […]

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Guest Post | Geronimo: All aboard the express towards scientific reason and compassion.

Guest post by Mark Williams. an independent writer who previously served a decade as a columnist and Editorial Board member of long-running Science magazine.   Geronimo: All aboard the express towards scientific reason and compassion. The plight of Geronimo the alpaca has captured media attention and gained undeniable public interest. The extensive legal battle, recent […]

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Consultation on extending the Ivory Act to other species

Defra have launched a public consultation which will potentially strengthen the UK’s Ivory Act, by extending protection to include all five CITES-listed ivory-bearing species (hippopotamus, narwhal, killer whale, sperm whale and walrus).rather than just elephants as now. Hippos are targeted by trophy hunters but they are also targeted for their ivory. Narwhals (there are thought […]

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Botham declares war on the RSPB

“Today, the Telegraph reports that a coalition of all the big shooting organisations has been formed. The mass-membership British Association of Shooting and Conservation, the campaigning Countryside Alliance, along with the public affairs experts of the Moorland Association and the National Gamekeepers’ Organisation have joined forces…We will also give no quarter to the RSPB.” The […]

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Jonathon Seed | Police seek CPS advice over aborted PCC election

It’s not been a good few months for ex-foxhunting, red-faced would-be Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Jonathon Seed. Having dodged question after question about his past chasing and killing wildlife, having decided that ‘only ‘trolls’ talk about hunting‘, and having merrily told anyone who would listen how he would follow a Countryside Alliance-type line […]

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