Category: guest-posts

Guest Post: Forestry England and Fox Hunting #3 | DEFRA’s Petition Response

Think fox hunting, banned by the Hunting Act 2004, is a ‘thing of the past’? Think again. Hunts have been breaking the law since the Act was passed – helped by sympathetic landowners who issue hunting licences despite a wealth of evidence proving that the terms of those licences are being routinely broken. Jack Riggall, […]

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Guest Post | Forestry England & Fox Hunting #2 – the Chair’s Endorsement of Bloodsport Lobbyists

Think fox hunting, which was banned by the Hunting Act 2004, is a ‘thing of the past’? Think again. Hunts have been breaking the law since the Act was passed – helped by sympathetic landowners who issue licences despite a wealth of material proving the terms of those licences are being routinely broken. Jack Riggall, […]

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Guest Post: Not our Tiddles!

Guest post by campaigner, activist and cat-lover Emily Jones: In the UK, where there are no plans to manage the cat population nationally or locally, cat owners like myself who also value wildlife are presented with a challenge… “It’s that time of year when we look out the window and see birds building their nests. […]

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